Scott Jonathan Labadie Obituary

scott labadieThe Labadie family asks that you wish a fond farewell to our brother Scott, who passed away peacefully on November 3, 2012.

Scott was born in San Diego on December 30, 1953, the sixth of seven children of parents Edward and MaryAnn, and is now survived by his siblings Elizabeth, Gail, Edward, and Timothy. We will always cherish our memories of Scott’s outstanding talents, especially his affinity to entertain with piano, organ, accordion, vocal impressions, humor and serious stage plays.

From his earliest years, Scott had a natural ability to win the hearts of friends and relatives, and his charm enabled him to enjoy success at sales and entertainment venues. Scott attended Our Lady of the Sacred Heart school, and graduated from St. Augustine High School in 1972. Scott also attended Miramar College.

Scott was proud to be a professional driver for San Diego Transit and Greyhound Bus Lines for many years, where he was active in his Union as a supporter for workers’ benefits and rights. He embraced a dedication to human rights issues all of his life.

Scott also operated his own business, Charter Coordinators.

Scott enjoyed preparing elaborate holiday meals and was an inherent impresario within his social circles. In his later years, he resided in the high desert community of Landers, CA. He was honored with two Caregiver of the Year awards for compassion and help to the elderly.

Do good deeds, live your life to the fullest, cherish your precious gift of life.

“Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.”

~ Robert Louis Stevenson