If an obituary or services are available you can click on our brother’s name and it will take you to a special place just for him. To submit more information send an email to alumni@alumnisahs.org.
- Michael Giovanni Navarra, class of 1995, passed away January 27, 2017
- Charles “Chuck or Bro” Rivas, class of 1960, passed away January 31, 2017
- Daniel Hiser, class of 2009, passed away February 10, 2017
- Jack Lee Costello, class of 1951, passed away February 13, 2017
- Charles “Ed” Maudlin, class of 1953, passed away February 14, 2017
- Charles “Charlie” Perdue, class of 1943, passed away February 23, 2017
- Ronald Barth, class of 1966, passed away in June 2017
- Daniel Ralph Baker, class of 1947, passed away September 20, 2017
- Frankie Francese, class of 1964, passed away sometime this year
- William John Ryay, class of 1961, passed away September 29, 2017
- Mike O’ Connor, class of 1956, passed away October 30, 2017