On April 6th the Alumni Association hosted an on campus book signing for former St. Augustine English teacher John Bowman. His recently published memoir, “Don’t Play on the Trestle” has garnered rave reviews on Amazon and was the subject of attention this day.
The real draw, of course, was JB himself. Still, with the larger than life persona, John greeted old friends and former students with laughter, banter and usually, a story of experiences past. At the end of the day, all left with a hardcover in hand and without a book report assignment.
John was surrounded and supported by his wife Marion, his daughters Molly and Eileen and his grandson, Max. It was a total family day for John and he offers, “I wish to thank St. Augustine, the administration, faculty, students and the Alumni Board for their cooperation and support in my recent book signing on campus. I extend, too, special thanks for the reception given my memoirs by many of my former students and friends.”
All the best…sincerely, John J Bowman (’74 Hon)