Pat Finnegan, passed away yesterday in Fallbrook Hospital. Pat was diagnosed with MS in his late 20’s, and lived with dignity as the disease progressed for the rest of his life. He turned 65 on Oct 18th and went in for surgery for pressure sores. He wasn’t able to make it out of the hospital back to his home at the Skilled Nursing Center a block away. I have not found out the cause of death yet.
Pat has always been an inspiration in my life. He fully accepted his condition and tried to brighten other’s lives every day. In the nursing homes he lived in for over 22 years, he always ran a 50/50 raffle to collect funds for use in paying for resident outings (the fair, trips, etc.). It gave Pat a chance to socialize and to feel as if he was making a difference. No matter what trials life brought me, a trip to see Pat made me feel as if I had been blessed. I made many of those over the years, but having moved to the bay area 4 years, I didn’t get down as much as I would have liked. Was planning to see him at the end of this month, when I came down for my son’s wedding. I’m struggling a bit about that. Would have loved to have one more Patrick fix!! It was a form of God’s blessing…..Dana Jolie