Friday May 26th, 2023
- St. Augustine H.S. Baccalaureate Mass & Graduation Ceremony @ 9:30am at Saints. We need everyone to meet under the Bell Tower next to the St. Augustine Commons building at 8:45am. Parking will be tight, so arrive early.
- Following the Graduation there will be a hosted Lunch compliments of the St. Augustine Alumni Association for the Graduates from the Class of 1973. (this event is only for the Class of 73 graduates – No guests please, space is limited.)
Let us know in the ticket selector if you are coming – No Cost.
Saturday May 27th, 2023
- Class of 1973 50th Reunion at Saints
- Reunion Mass in the Saints Chapel @ 4:30PM
- Reunion Dinner in the St. Augustine Commons @ 5:15PM
- This event is open to all guests
- $25 per person for food and drinks