Fellow Saints’ Alumni,
In these difficult times that our country and world are experiencing, it is important that we stay focused on the things that are most valuable in life. For me these are family, friends and God. From my own experience, prioritizing my energy into these three areas has made life simpler and helped me get though the tough times.
As members the Class of 2013 go on to college, they too will face numerous challenges. But they will be ready for what awaits them thanks to the dedicated faculty and staff at St. Augustine High School. In addition to being prepared academically, I’m certain four years of the “Saints Experience” has taught these Saintsmen to rely on family, friends and God as they make their way through life.
For more than 90 years St. Augustine High School has been preparing young men for life’s experiences. As alumni, we continue to be members of the Saints’ Community and now more than ever it is important that we all take a look at what we can do to help keep Saints’ traditions alive.
As President of the St. Augustine Alumni Association, I ask you to get involved. The Alumni Association Board currently consists of a group of approximately twenty-five alums from the 50’s through 90’s. Our members organize and staff the annual Parochial Football and Basketball tournaments, Alumni Golf Classic, Homecoming Bocce Ball tournament, and senior writing contest. We provide assistance with reunions and sponsorship of school events. While fund raising is not our primary goal, we do provide tuition aid via our endowment to help sons of Saintsmen with the cost of an education that is unmatched by any other high school in the county. Now we are working to assist Saints with its Phase II Capital Campaign as the building its student activities center nears reality.
This is a lot to ask of twenty-five volunteers to do year in and year out. But we love it and it is our way of giving back to the school that, quite frankly, made us who we are today.
I ask you that when you read this, you take a step back and ask yourself, “What can I do to give back?” I am not sure what everyone’s answer will be, but if you would like to discuss how you can actively participate, please contact me at equerin@alumni.sahs.org. I look forward to speaking with you.
God Bless,
Ed Querin ’85
St. Augustine Alumni Association